An enthusiastic audience watched three teams representing local community organizations pitch their business ventures. The runner-ups- Seque Career Mentors and Cardborigami, were each awarded $5,000 by the panel of investors who judged this year's pitches. The $3500 audience favorite prize went to 2nd Call from among seven other aspiring social enterprises.
The event finale was an inspiring talk by Sam Polk, Founder, EveryTable & GroceryShips. Sam Polk, gained fame as a hedge fund trader who walked away from multi-million dollar earnings. His book, For the Love of Money, chronicles his disillusionment with the Wall Street fast track. In 2013, he founded Groceryships, a nonprofit social enterprise to address food-related health problems in South LA. A year later, based on feedback from Groceryships participants, he co-founded a for-profit “B corp” social enterprise called EveryTable. Sam's “tales from the front” about he is actualizing his commitment to bring healthy, affordable food to every table in the country gave everyone ideas for action. APPLY NOW