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Urban Teens Exploring Technology (TXT)

We inspire black and brown boys to become technology entrepreneurs.

What We Do

Youth Development - We work with our students to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood head-on to achieve their full potentials. Our holistic approach allows our youth to discover their strengths and weaknesses. We encourage youth to work in groups and engage in good faith arguments to encourage exponential personal growth. Our programs foster significant improvements in self-advocacy, community responsibility, control of emotions, and much more.

Coding - A full-stack developer is comfortable working with all the technologies required to develop an idea into a finished product. Our students learn to code both the front and back ends of their web or mobile applications. We believe that by teaching them how to study coding languages, they can make a better decision of becoming a CS major.

Business Development - We teach our students to use the Business Model Canvas; they learn to develop a value proposition, identify their target market segment, collect and analyze data, and more. We also teach our students to plan strategically and to develop professional relationships and partnerships.

Design Thinking - Design thinking is an observational, human-centered, and cyclical approach problem solving. We teach our students to empathize with their communities to discover a problem they want to solve, define the cause of the problem they are addressing, ideate potential solutions, test prototypes, and learn by iterating through the cycle.

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