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Pure Game

We're Teaching Kids Critical Skills To Thrive In Life. PureGame is a non-profit sports and character education program. The world is confusing, and young people need all the support we can provide them. Without soft skills, character formation, mentorship and leadership development, kids can feel lost as they go through life. PureGame is changing how children develop by using the power of sport to help them make meaningful connections with peers and adults so that they can learn to create pathways to success of their choosing.

We're A Nonprofit Organization Teaching Kids The Indispensable Life Skills Needed To Be Truly Successful. Here's what you need to know about PureGame: We're all about helping today's youth get and stay connected.

We Make Meaningful Connections:

  • A meaningful connection is eye-to-eye communication with either a single child, a small group of youth, a partner staff member, a parent, or other PureGame staff members.

  • Communication is two-sided, and so the PureGame staff will actively listen and provide feedback and assistance where needed.

We Deliver Educational Programming:

  • Educational programming is Field Champions delivering the PureGame curriculum.

  • Field Champions will connect the SEL curriculum to real-life skills based on personal experiences and the student’s grade.

  • Educational programming happens when PureGame staff train and educate our partner’s staff, parents, and other PureGame Field Champions in the work of connecting with young people.

We Create Sustainable Collaborations:

  • A sustainable collaboration brings any funder to support the PureGame program.

  • A sustainable collaboration is creating relationships with the youth we serve, so they desire to return to the program.


The PureGame kids learn, laugh and come together through sport. They leave the field each day knowing they have what it takes to be successful.

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